Announcements and bulletin for 10-13-24


Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m, Sunday evenings on Cable Channel 12 at 5:15 p.m & Live Streaming

by: Jammie Kellenberger



Announcements for 10-13-24

We want to thank the congregation for the Love, support and sympathy shown to us with the unexpected passing of our brother-in-law, Verlyn Eben. A special Thank you to Amy Ryals, to our care elder, Laureen Schram, and to Mary Hoogers who presented our sister Myra with a beautiful prayer shawl that she made. You, our church family are a blessing to us. Thank you~ Dale, Cori, Mike, Shannon Klarenbeek and families

Potluck Meal 

Next Sunday, October 20, we will be having a potluck meal starting around 11:35. Please bring a hot or cold dish to share. Drink and tableware will be provided. Come for fellowship, fun and enjoy some delicious food. All are welcome! We do need some people to help with set-up (from 10:30-11:35) and with clean-up (after meal - 1:00ish). If you are willing to help, please sign up at the Welcome Center, contact the church office or contact Sharon Postma at 712-470-0533.

Wondering what time your meeting starts at church? Or do you want to sign up to attend one of the new classes and wonder where it meets?   Use the link provided to sign up for Church Center!  All those answers and more will be at your fingertips!

Condolences to Deb Hunt & family for the loss of her mom, Betty Engeltjes

Condolences to Norma Gisolf & family for the loss of her stepdad, Gene Hanes

Condolences to Judy Gacke & family for the loss of her cousin, Ruth Ten Braak. (Ruth is a sister to Marlene VandeBerg)


Our prayer concerns….                                 

Bob Dreke (hospice care)

Marilyn Mammenga (healing for leg fractures)                             Emma Winterfield Van Dyke (Sandy Wynia’s mom, Hospice Care)

Loren Dengler                                                                  Kathy Van Olst 

Edna Jongerius (Ava’s Hospice House-1320 W 17th St., Sioux Falls, SD 57104- if you would like to send a card)

Betty Vanden Heuvel                                                        Nancy Bosma (Mary Klinkenborg’s sister) 

Judy Netten                                                                          Merlin Groen                                                                     Eldora Krull                                                                     JoAnn Douglas

Karen Flier                                                                                          Roger Van Maanen (Heather Van Wyhe’s dad)

Steve Ellsworth (Peggy Metzger’s dad)                                         Russ Carver (Rachelle Johnsen’s dad)

Bill Saeger (Jackie Groen’s brother)                                                   Janice Den Besten

Doris Iwen (Lance Iwen’s mom)                                                       Nancy Aaker (Shari Kastein’s mom)

Todd Altman (Jack & Esther Altman’s son)                           Carlton Woodruff (Rachelle Johnsen’s uncle)                                         

Mandie Sprock (Marilyn Mammenga’s daughter)                          Marv Faber (Gordy’s brother) starting chemo treatments

Greyson Austin (Marlene Mellema’s grandson)                            Ellen Schram (Jeff Schram’s mom) 

Greyson (22) is having bowel reconstructive surgery on Tuesday at Mayo. Prayers please that surgery and recovery goes well. The family wishes to thank you for your ongoing, heartfelt prayers. 


Remembering our Nursing Home, Assisted Living & Senior Living Residents:

Pearl Folkens                                                                       Wilma DeRoo                                      JoEllen Sorgdrager                                           

Ruth Van Aartsen                                                                 Joyce Mellema                                   Lucille Smit                     

Eldora Krull                                                                         Edna Jongerius                                  Harriet Hoff

Doris Calkins                                                                          Darlene Brinkhuis

Addresses available upon request at church office       

The Oaks Club is hosting a Book Discussion from Richard Reitsma (Forgetfulness)

October 29th @ 6:30pm in the Fellowship Hall- All are welcome!

                                                                                 Church & Local Happenings

The October Bridge Newsletter is now available in the clear boxes next to the mailboxes it will no longer be available on online, so please visit the church to pick up a copy.

Secretary’s office hours: ~ Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 9-1.

*Bulletin announcements need to be to the office by Thursday morning at 9am for the Sunday bulletin



Club 512 Volunteers for 10-16-24

Games:                1st & 2nd                                               3rd&4th                                                5th&6th 

                              Leo Groen                              Maddie Van Der Weerd                        Ephraim Hoefert

                           Jason Huygens                                Alexis Austin                                    Tanner Lincecum

                         Liam VanderZee                             Avery Harman                                    Quintin Sprock

                                                                                                                                                      Aston Van Beek

Club 512 Snack helpers:  Debbie Crane & Peggy Metzger


Midweek Meal Helpers:  Glenda Hellenga, Audra Klinkenborg, Jill Jansma, Kay Wynia & Amy Sieperda


Nursing Home Chaperone:  6th Grade- Steve Crane

 October 13, 2024 at 9:30am 


Prelude: “Blessed Be Your Name”


Welcome /Announcements/ Prayer

Children’s Message 

Baptism: Owen Hunt

Praise Service: 

“Days of Elijah”

“The Lion and The Lamb”

Congregational Prayer

Offertory Hymn: “O Praise The Name”

(offering plates will be passed)

“Doxology” #625

(Children and Worship Dismissed)



Scripture: Revelation 2: 8-11

Sermon: “Smyrna (Persecuted Church)”



Closing Hymn: “I Need Thee Every Hour”


Sending Chorus: “I Need Thee Every Hour” 

(6th Grade and below may be excused for Sunday School)



Serving us today 10-13-24

DOOR GREETERS- (N) Evan & Linda DeBoer (S) Tait & Emily Anderson (SE) Tom & Kayla Vander Lee

NURSERY- Heather & Anika Springer

COMMON GROUND (before worship)- Girls League (serving cinnamon rolls for free will donation)                      

COFFEE BREAK (following worship)-  Girls League

CHILDREN & WORSHIP- Leader: Ashley Rypkema     Greeter: Jayda Pytleski


SUNDAY SCHOOL COOKIESKarol Hanson         

SUNDAY SCHOOL HALL MONITORDanielle Hrdlicka           

SOUND SYSTEM- Keith Van Beek

VIDEO TAPING- Justin Groen



VAN DRIVER- Dale Klarenbeek


Serving us next week 10-20-24

DOOR GREETERS-(N) Mike & Ethanie Pulscher (S) Wayne & Geneva Grooters (SE) Marlene Bowers & Julius D

NURSERY- Berlyn DeWit & Maddie Van Der Weerd

COMMON GROUND (before worship)- Lonn & Jammie Kellenberger

COFFEE BREAK (following worship)-  Scott & Deb Hunt

CHILDREN & WORSHIP- Leader: Taylor Bosch    Greeter: Melanie Wynia


SUNDAY SCHOOL COOKIESWhitney Van Veldhuizen     

SUNDAY SCHOOL HALL MONITORAshley Rypkema          

SOUND SYSTEM- Sawyer Hrdlicka

VIDEO TAPING- Breyden Dieren



VAN DRIVERJeff Hrdlicka

*THE LOOSE OFFERING- Benevolent Fund

FINANCIALS as of 10-6-24

                                     Last Sunday                      YTD Offerings                    YTD Budget

General Fund:            $5,116.00                            $431,495.97                        $684,680.00

Benevolent Fund:     $10,244.00                          $142,620.09                        $156,288.00                                 

Online Donations:    $1,385.90                             $42,558.81            


Sunday School 10-6-24

                              Last Year’s Attendance: 78                                Last Week’s Attendance: 105

                              Last Year’s Offering: $68.00                               Last Week’s Offering: $76.00

Upcoming Events  

SUNDAY 10-13-24: 

9am Evangelism Committee meeting (Connections room)

Sunday School Lesson: God’s Word Guides Us

11am Adult Choir practice (David room)

11am Seven Arrows Bible Study (Sanctuary)

5pm Girls League (Fellowship Hall)

7pm Mission Committee Meeting

7pm Come Matter Here Bible Study (Connections room)

MONDAY 10-14-24:

7pm BSF Women’s bible study group (Elijah room)

TUESDAY 10-15-24: 

WEDNESDAY 10-16-24:

9-11am Mom Co. 

2:30-5pm Club 512

5-6:15pm Midweek Meal (Lasagna)

6pm Can of Worms Bible Study (Elijah room)

6:15pm Jr. RCYF

8pm Sr. RCYF

THURSDAY 10-17-24: 

FRIDAY 10-18-24:   

8am Men’s Bible Study

SATURDAY 10-19-24: 

SUNDAY 10-20-24:

Sunday School Lesson: God Preserves His Word

11am Seven Arrows Sunday School Class (Sanctuary)

11:30am Church Potluck

10/13/2024          Smyrna: The Persecuted Church                   Revelation 2:8-11

Intro: Background Info:                     Smyrna the City vs Smyrna the Church

Caesar is Lord vs Jesus is Lord

  1. Suffering of Smyrna Christians
    1. Poverty: Economic Persecution
      1. Jobs, Government, Marketplace


  1. Slander: From the Jews
    1. Labeled as Rebels, Lied about, Manipulated


  1. Did not return Slander for Slander


  1. Devil will Imprison you and Persecute you for 10 days
    1. Over the next 2 centuries, the church in Smyrna was under intense persecution.


  1. Tempting you to doubt, turn from God, Deny him.


  1. Death: Martyr
    1. Story of Polycarp from 20 – 86 yrs old. 


  1. Why endure this suffering as Christians?
    1. Rich in Christ
      1. Peace that cannot be bought, Joy that things cannot bring, Love that cannot be earned, Hope that never fades, Strength that comes from Almighty God, Grace.


  1. Mark 8:34-38 What good is it to gain the world yet lose your soul?


  1. Reputation of Risen Christ
    1. Please God or Please Man


  1. John 15:18-19 


  1. Eternally Free
    1. Time limit on Suffering and Persecution (Judgement)


  1. What the Devil means for evil, God uses for good.
    1. Refining is Revealing what is true.


  1. Conquered Death
    1. Jesus is the Life and Resurrection


  1. Those who are victorious will not be hurt by the Second Death!
Blog comments will be sent to the moderator

Announcements for 10-13-24

We want to thank the congregation for the Love, support and sympathy shown to us with the unexpected passing of our brother-in-law, Verlyn Eben. A special Thank you to Amy Ryals, to our care elder, Laureen Schram, and to Mary Hoogers who presented our sister Myra with a beautiful prayer shawl that she made. You, our church family are a blessing to us. Thank you~ Dale, Cori, Mike, Shannon Klarenbeek and families

Potluck Meal 

Next Sunday, October 20, we will be having a potluck meal starting around 11:35. Please bring a hot or cold dish to share. Drink and tableware will be provided. Come for fellowship, fun and enjoy some delicious food. All are welcome! We do need some people to help with set-up (from 10:30-11:35) and with clean-up (after meal - 1:00ish). If you are willing to help, please sign up at the Welcome Center, contact the church office or contact Sharon Postma at 712-470-0533.

Wondering what time your meeting starts at church? Or do you want to sign up to attend one of the new classes and wonder where it meets?   Use the link provided to sign up for Church Center!  All those answers and more will be at your fingertips!

Condolences to Deb Hunt & family for the loss of her mom, Betty Engeltjes

Condolences to Norma Gisolf & family for the loss of her stepdad, Gene Hanes

Condolences to Judy Gacke & family for the loss of her cousin, Ruth Ten Braak. (Ruth is a sister to Marlene VandeBerg)


Our prayer concerns….                                 

Bob Dreke (hospice care)

Marilyn Mammenga (healing for leg fractures)                             Emma Winterfield Van Dyke (Sandy Wynia’s mom, Hospice Care)

Loren Dengler                                                                  Kathy Van Olst 

Edna Jongerius (Ava’s Hospice House-1320 W 17th St., Sioux Falls, SD 57104- if you would like to send a card)

Betty Vanden Heuvel                                                        Nancy Bosma (Mary Klinkenborg’s sister) 

Judy Netten                                                                          Merlin Groen                                                                     Eldora Krull                                                                     JoAnn Douglas

Karen Flier                                                                                          Roger Van Maanen (Heather Van Wyhe’s dad)

Steve Ellsworth (Peggy Metzger’s dad)                                         Russ Carver (Rachelle Johnsen’s dad)

Bill Saeger (Jackie Groen’s brother)                                                   Janice Den Besten

Doris Iwen (Lance Iwen’s mom)                                                       Nancy Aaker (Shari Kastein’s mom)

Todd Altman (Jack & Esther Altman’s son)                           Carlton Woodruff (Rachelle Johnsen’s uncle)                                         

Mandie Sprock (Marilyn Mammenga’s daughter)                          Marv Faber (Gordy’s brother) starting chemo treatments

Greyson Austin (Marlene Mellema’s grandson)                            Ellen Schram (Jeff Schram’s mom) 

Greyson (22) is having bowel reconstructive surgery on Tuesday at Mayo. Prayers please that surgery and recovery goes well. The family wishes to thank you for your ongoing, heartfelt prayers. 


Remembering our Nursing Home, Assisted Living & Senior Living Residents:

Pearl Folkens                                                                       Wilma DeRoo                                      JoEllen Sorgdrager                                           

Ruth Van Aartsen                                                                 Joyce Mellema                                   Lucille Smit                     

Eldora Krull                                                                         Edna Jongerius                                  Harriet Hoff

Doris Calkins                                                                          Darlene Brinkhuis

Addresses available upon request at church office       

The Oaks Club is hosting a Book Discussion from Richard Reitsma (Forgetfulness)

October 29th @ 6:30pm in the Fellowship Hall- All are welcome!

                                                                                 Church & Local Happenings

The October Bridge Newsletter is now available in the clear boxes next to the mailboxes it will no longer be available on online, so please visit the church to pick up a copy.

Secretary’s office hours: ~ Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 9-1.

*Bulletin announcements need to be to the office by Thursday morning at 9am for the Sunday bulletin



Club 512 Volunteers for 10-16-24

Games:                1st & 2nd                                               3rd&4th                                                5th&6th 

                              Leo Groen                              Maddie Van Der Weerd                        Ephraim Hoefert

                           Jason Huygens                                Alexis Austin                                    Tanner Lincecum

                         Liam VanderZee                             Avery Harman                                    Quintin Sprock

                                                                                                                                                      Aston Van Beek

Club 512 Snack helpers:  Debbie Crane & Peggy Metzger


Midweek Meal Helpers:  Glenda Hellenga, Audra Klinkenborg, Jill Jansma, Kay Wynia & Amy Sieperda


Nursing Home Chaperone:  6th Grade- Steve Crane

 October 13, 2024 at 9:30am 


Prelude: “Blessed Be Your Name”


Welcome /Announcements/ Prayer

Children’s Message 

Baptism: Owen Hunt

Praise Service: 

“Days of Elijah”

“The Lion and The Lamb”

Congregational Prayer

Offertory Hymn: “O Praise The Name”

(offering plates will be passed)

“Doxology” #625

(Children and Worship Dismissed)



Scripture: Revelation 2: 8-11

Sermon: “Smyrna (Persecuted Church)”



Closing Hymn: “I Need Thee Every Hour”


Sending Chorus: “I Need Thee Every Hour” 

(6th Grade and below may be excused for Sunday School)



Serving us today 10-13-24

DOOR GREETERS- (N) Evan & Linda DeBoer (S) Tait & Emily Anderson (SE) Tom & Kayla Vander Lee

NURSERY- Heather & Anika Springer

COMMON GROUND (before worship)- Girls League (serving cinnamon rolls for free will donation)                      

COFFEE BREAK (following worship)-  Girls League

CHILDREN & WORSHIP- Leader: Ashley Rypkema     Greeter: Jayda Pytleski


SUNDAY SCHOOL COOKIESKarol Hanson         

SUNDAY SCHOOL HALL MONITORDanielle Hrdlicka           

SOUND SYSTEM- Keith Van Beek

VIDEO TAPING- Justin Groen



VAN DRIVER- Dale Klarenbeek


Serving us next week 10-20-24

DOOR GREETERS-(N) Mike & Ethanie Pulscher (S) Wayne & Geneva Grooters (SE) Marlene Bowers & Julius D

NURSERY- Berlyn DeWit & Maddie Van Der Weerd

COMMON GROUND (before worship)- Lonn & Jammie Kellenberger

COFFEE BREAK (following worship)-  Scott & Deb Hunt

CHILDREN & WORSHIP- Leader: Taylor Bosch    Greeter: Melanie Wynia


SUNDAY SCHOOL COOKIESWhitney Van Veldhuizen     

SUNDAY SCHOOL HALL MONITORAshley Rypkema          

SOUND SYSTEM- Sawyer Hrdlicka

VIDEO TAPING- Breyden Dieren



VAN DRIVERJeff Hrdlicka

*THE LOOSE OFFERING- Benevolent Fund

FINANCIALS as of 10-6-24

                                     Last Sunday                      YTD Offerings                    YTD Budget

General Fund:            $5,116.00                            $431,495.97                        $684,680.00

Benevolent Fund:     $10,244.00                          $142,620.09                        $156,288.00                                 

Online Donations:    $1,385.90                             $42,558.81            


Sunday School 10-6-24

                              Last Year’s Attendance: 78                                Last Week’s Attendance: 105

                              Last Year’s Offering: $68.00                               Last Week’s Offering: $76.00

Upcoming Events  

SUNDAY 10-13-24: 

9am Evangelism Committee meeting (Connections room)

Sunday School Lesson: God’s Word Guides Us

11am Adult Choir practice (David room)

11am Seven Arrows Bible Study (Sanctuary)

5pm Girls League (Fellowship Hall)

7pm Mission Committee Meeting

7pm Come Matter Here Bible Study (Connections room)

MONDAY 10-14-24:

7pm BSF Women’s bible study group (Elijah room)

TUESDAY 10-15-24: 

WEDNESDAY 10-16-24:

9-11am Mom Co. 

2:30-5pm Club 512

5-6:15pm Midweek Meal (Lasagna)

6pm Can of Worms Bible Study (Elijah room)

6:15pm Jr. RCYF

8pm Sr. RCYF

THURSDAY 10-17-24: 

FRIDAY 10-18-24:   

8am Men’s Bible Study

SATURDAY 10-19-24: 

SUNDAY 10-20-24:

Sunday School Lesson: God Preserves His Word

11am Seven Arrows Sunday School Class (Sanctuary)

11:30am Church Potluck

10/13/2024          Smyrna: The Persecuted Church                   Revelation 2:8-11

Intro: Background Info:                     Smyrna the City vs Smyrna the Church

Caesar is Lord vs Jesus is Lord

  1. Suffering of Smyrna Christians
    1. Poverty: Economic Persecution
      1. Jobs, Government, Marketplace


  1. Slander: From the Jews
    1. Labeled as Rebels, Lied about, Manipulated


  1. Did not return Slander for Slander


  1. Devil will Imprison you and Persecute you for 10 days
    1. Over the next 2 centuries, the church in Smyrna was under intense persecution.


  1. Tempting you to doubt, turn from God, Deny him.


  1. Death: Martyr
    1. Story of Polycarp from 20 – 86 yrs old. 


  1. Why endure this suffering as Christians?
    1. Rich in Christ
      1. Peace that cannot be bought, Joy that things cannot bring, Love that cannot be earned, Hope that never fades, Strength that comes from Almighty God, Grace.


  1. Mark 8:34-38 What good is it to gain the world yet lose your soul?


  1. Reputation of Risen Christ
    1. Please God or Please Man


  1. John 15:18-19 


  1. Eternally Free
    1. Time limit on Suffering and Persecution (Judgement)


  1. What the Devil means for evil, God uses for good.
    1. Refining is Revealing what is true.


  1. Conquered Death
    1. Jesus is the Life and Resurrection


  1. Those who are victorious will not be hurt by the Second Death!
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