

Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m, Sunday evenings on Cable Channel 12 at 5:15 p.m & Live Streaming

The latest from First Reformed Church

Stay up to date with the happenings of First Reformed Church by visiting our blog. You'll find information such as announcements, sermon notes and thoughts from our pastor to encourage and challenge your walk with the Lord.

Announcements and bulletin for 2-16-25

by: Jammie Kellenberger



Announcements for 2-16-25

Due to cold and flu season, it has been recommended we do not shake hands during our morning greeting time or as we depart from worship. Thank you for understanding.

Registration is NOW Open for Summer Camp 2025 at Inspiration Hills.  This year’s theme is “Christ is the Same Yesterday, Today, and Forever!”

Note:  Our church pays ½ the cost of registration.  When you register only pay ½ and indicate you are part of First Reformed Church Rock Rapids.  

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Announcements and bulletin for 2-9-25

by: Jammie Kellenberger



Announcements for 2-9-25

Due to cold and flu season, it has been recommended we do not shake hands during our morning greeting time or as we depart from worship. Thank you for understanding

Annual giving receipts have been placed in church mailboxes and mailed out. A receipt is given if an offering is greater than $250 or given in a designated contribution envelope. Contributions given through retirement accounts or online (Stripe/planning center) will be receipted by those

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Announcements and bulletin for 2-2-25

by: Jammie Kellenberger



Announcements for 2-2-25

~Greetings First Reformed Church,

We have officially tallied the results of our Congregational Vote.  The First Reformed Church overwhelmingly

approved the ballot measure to leave the RCA and join the Alliance of Reformed Churches.  

Yes votes: 98.7 %

No votes: 1.3 %

231 Ballots were cast.  

Thank you all for your prayers and participation in the process. Don't stop praying as we continue to share the good news of Jesus. We will give more updates later.  

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Announcements and bulletin for 1-26-25

by: Jammie Kellenberger



Announcements for 1-26-25

~Annual giving receipts have been placed in church mailboxes and mailed out. A receipt is given if an offering is greater than $250 or given in a designated contribution envelope. Contributions given through retirement accounts or online (Stripe/planning center) will be receipted by those accounts. If you feel you should have received a receipt and didn't, please contact Jammie in the church office.

~The Consistory has called for a Congregational Vo

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Announcements and bulletin for 1-19-25

by: Jammie Kellenberger



Announcements for 1-19-25


~The Consistory has called for a Congregational Vote to approve leaving the Reformed Church in America (RCA) and joining the Alliance of Reformed Churches (ARC.)  This vote will take place beginning Sunday, Jan. 5, and ending Sunday, January 26 at 10:45 am.  Information and ballots are available on the table in the gathering space with the ballot box. 

The Consistory has also called for a Congregational Meeting to take place on Sunday, January 26 a

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Announcements and bulletin for 1-12-25

by: Jammie Kellenberger



Announcements for 1-12-25


The Consistory has called for a Congregational Vote to approve leaving the Reformed Church in America (RCA) and joining the Alliance of Reformed Churches (ARC.)  This vote will take place beginning Sunday, Jan. 5, and ending Sunday, January 26 at 10:45 am.  Information and ballots are available on the table in the gathering space with the ballot box. 

The Consistory has also called for a Congregational Meeting to take place on Sunday, January 26 at

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Announcements and bulletin for 1-5-25

by: Jammie Kellenberger



Announcements for 1-5-25


The Consistory has called for a Congregational Vote to approve leaving the Reformed Church in America (RCA) and joining the Alliance of Reformed Churches (ARC.)  This vote will take place beginning Sunday, Jan. 5, and ending Sunday, January 26 at 10:45 am.  Information and ballots are available on the table in the gathering space with the ballot box. 

The Consistory has also called for a Congregational Meeting to take place on Sunday, January 26 at

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Announcements and bulletin for 12-29-24

by: Jammie Kellenberger



Announcements for 12-29-24

The Grooters family will be serving cake today in the fellowship hall in honor of Rod & Lavonne’s 

70th Wedding Anniversary!

Congratulations to Mandi and Dalton Ver Beek on the birth of their son, Ryer Troy.  Ryer was born on Dec 21 and is welcomed home by two big brothers, August and Arlow. 

Merry Christmas from the VanWyhe Family.  We are blessed to serve alongside each of you as we share the Good News of Jesus with our community.  Thank you all fo

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Announcements and bulletin for 12-22-24

by: Jammie Kellenberger



Announcements for 12-22-24

The Grooters family will be serving cake in the fellowship hall on December 29th in honor of Rod & Lavonne’s 

70th Wedding Anniversary!

Thank you for the many expressions of sympathy shown to us in the passing of our father & husband, Steve Ellsworth. We appreciate all the texts, calls, visits, food & prayers. We are grateful to be a part of such a caring congregation. ~ Jeanne Ellsworth & John & Peggy Metzger


“But seek 1st the kingdom of God & His

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Announcements for 12-15-24

by: Jammie Kellenberger



Announcements for 12-15-24

Christmas Caroling

We will be caroling this afternoon, December 15th from 2-4pm. All ages are welcome to participate. The commitment is only for a couple of hours but has a lasting impact. This is such a meaningful experience for the people we carol to and also for those who are caroling. There will be a time of fellowship with others afterwards while we enjoy sandwiches and goodies. How can you help?  We need:

If you know of anyone who would love t

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Announcements and bulletin for 12-8-24

by: Jammie Kellenberger



Announcements for 12-8-24

*Reminder: Peace Circle will be meeting on December 12th at 6pm at Primrose Market, downtown Rock Rapids. 


Christmas Caroling

We will be caroling the afternoon of December 15. All ages are welcome to participate. The commitment is only for a couple of hours but has a lasting impact. This is such a meaningful experience for the people we carol to and also for those who are caroling. There will be a time of fellowship with others afterwards while we e

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Announcements and bulletin for 12-1-24

by: Jammie Kellenberger



Announcements for 12-1-24

Thank you for once again supporting the mission of Operation Christmas Child! Numbers in our area are up! Our church alone packed 190 boxes, which is a record for us. Additionally, most of the churches and groups who brought boxes to our drop off location also brought more boxes than last year. In total, we delivered over 1100 boxes to Sioux City on Monday. That represents 1100 kids who will be hearing the Good News, many of them for the first time

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Announcements and bulletin for 11-24-24

by: Jammie Kellenberger



Announcements for 11-24-24

~Door Greeters: We are working on our list of door greeters for 2025.  If you would like to be added or removed from the list, please contact the church office no later than November 25.  Thank you.

~We now have a 40- foot shipping container at Justice For All to hold things for the container to go to Ukraine. Please drop your things off at the regular drop off by the Justice For All office. They will take care of them from there. Please make sure

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Announcements and bulletin for 11-17-24

by: Jammie Kellenberger



Announcements for 11-17-24


The following have been nominated for the positions of Elder and Deacon for 2024:  

Elder nominees: Cody Hoefert, Heather Springer, Joel Vis, Ken Leuthold & Rodney VandenTop

Deacon nominees: Jerry Mulder, Eric Hartter, Joel Vis, Dustin Bosch, Brad Rypkema, Kade Griesse, Kris Krull, Kyle Grooters & Lucas Bouwman

*If anyone has evidence of any Biblical grounds that any of these persons should not be on Consistory, please inform one of the Elders.


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Announcements and bulletin for 11-10-24

by: Jammie Kellenberger



Announcements for 11-10-24


The following have been nominated for the positions of Elder and Deacon for 2024:  

Elder nominees: Cody Hoefert, Heather Springer, Joel Vis, Ken Leuthold & Rodney VandenTop

Deacon nominees: Jerry Mulder, Eric Hartter, Joel Vis, Dustin Bosch, Brad Rypkema, Kade Griesse, Kris Krull, Kyle Grooters & Lucas Bouwman

*If anyone has evidence of any Biblical grounds that any of these persons should not be on Consistory, please inform one of the Elders.


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