- George Cheriyan, M.D.
- Jeffery & Chelsea Lampen, Hannover, Germany
- Seung & Amy Kim, South Asia
- Jon & Gracia Harmsen, CRU
- Curt & Sherri Weerheim, 1376 Harvest Run Drive, Lebanon, Ohio 45036, CRU
- Tommy Miracle, Annville, KY-Jackson County Ministries
- Jacob & Sharon Moss - Jackson County Ministries, 4500 Highway 30, P.O. Box 340, Annville, KY 40402
- Dell Grooters Family - Touch of Hope, Haiti, 205 Old Mill Lane, Rock Rapids, IA 51246
- Rev. Jason & Ruth Wiersma - The Living Stone Prison Church, P.O. Box 415, Yankton, SD 57078
- Arise! Ukraine Ministries, Paul & Nastia Logan- Box 812, Sioux Falls, South Dakota
- Scott & Colleen Burdsall, Serge
- Jennifer Lucking, Ontario, Canada (Human Trafficking)
- Cheryl Barnes, Central Africa
- J & A in the Middle East
- Our Benevolent fund also supports: Words of Hope, Gideon Bible Society, Atlas of Lyon County, Inspiration Hills, The Bible League, Furniture Mission, Northwestern College, Union Gospel Mission, Seminary Student Support, West Sioux Classis Admin & Mission fees, Western Theological Seminary, Family Crisis Center of Northwest Iowa, Justice for All & The City Life Teen Center.