Announcements for 4-7-19


Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m, Sunday evenings on Cable Channel 12 at 5:15 p.m & Live Streaming

by: Valerie Sneller



Prayers:Your prayer support is appreciated for the following individuals and their special circumstances: Stacy Dieren (recovering from colon surgery), Mary Vermeer (had surgery for a broken hip; is currently at the Rock Rapids Health Center), Pam Foster, Bob Dreke’s sister (coping with Huntington’s Disease), Caden Wright (pray for healing and for Caden to regain his strength following his hospital stay), Tanner Lincecum (pray that Tanner’s shunt will continue to be effective), Mykenah Horstman (pray for the plans to get Mykenah fitted for a brace that she can wear at night), Thomas Bouwman, Tom & Sheryl Bouwman’s son (diagnosed with paracardial effusion; has been able to return to work but has physical limitations), Greyson Austin, Marlene Mellema’s grandson/Meredith & Joe Vander Zee’s nephew (pray for continued improvement with eating and energy as well as healing of the j-pouch), Zucker Freerks, Sara & Justin Groen’s nephew (pray for Zucker to maintain good health during the spring months), Jeremy Hespen, Merlin & Jackie Groen’s nephew (recently diagnosed with non-Hodgkins lymphoma), Danny Bolerjack, Danielle Bouwman’s father (recovering from a stroke), Lena Jolee Olivier, Marilyn and Bill Mammenga’s infant granddaughter (pray for continued growth and healthy development), Tony Schoneveld, Jessica Harman’s grandfather (has stage 4 COPD), and Gayle Wagenaar, Conrad and Audrey De Noble’s brother-in-law (diagnosed with acute leukemia).

Your prayers are also requested for the following individuals who are coping with cancer: Gail Hartter (Eric Hartter’s mother), Marilyn Kuyper, (Ethanie Pulscher’s aunt), Dave Kwikkel (Arnie and Donna Kwikkel’s son), and Arlene Sterler (Robbie Korthals’ mother).

Please be in prayer for Jon & Dani Markus and their unborn baby boy as their have received tests that have caused them concern for both mother and baby. They will be seeking medical advice in Iowa City on Monday the 8th. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.

A Note of Praise! We are happy to share that Missy (Michelle) Perkins has been discharged from the Rock Rapids Health Center and has returned to her group home.

Update on Greyson Austin: Greyson was at Mayo Hospital last week due to stomach flu and dehydration. This week Wednesday he is headed back to May due to bleeding out of his stoma the last 4 days. He is feeling better; able to eat and drink, but we need to determine where the bleeding is coming from. We are asking for prayers for answers and treatable solutions. We are grateful for you as a praying church. We feel your prayers. ~ Marlene Mellema and families.

Thank You: We thank each of you, for your prayers, your caring thoughts and kind words at the time of Nelva’s passing. As a part of the family of God, each of you reflected God’s comfort, his perfect peace and his abiding love. We thank him for his promise of eternal life. ~ LaVonne & Rod Grooters

Somehow word is out that I am having surgery next month. To clarify, I will be having a procedure done on April 23 in Sioux Falls. Cancer in not involved. Thanks for any prayers for success and recovery. Pastor Dan

There will be no pulpit supply on Easter Sunday as indicated on the calendar. Pastor Dan will lead us in services.

GriefShare: Our next GriefShare session will be on Monday, April 8, 6:45-8:45 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Our topic this week will be on the question of “Why?” We will learn about sharing our feelings with God and why being honest with God is an expression of faith. We will also learn what God has to say to us about our “why” questions. Please feel free to join us!

Mark Your Calendars: The Women’s Ministry is hosting an All-Church Breakfast on Palm Sunday, April 14, 2019 from 8-9:30 am. They will be serving rolls, egg bakes, and yogurt parfaits. Please come and join us before worship for a time of fellowship and breakfast before enjoying the Easter Cantata! Everyone is welcome!

Living Stations of the Cross: People of all ages and faiths are invited to attend the Living Stations Of The Cross taking place on Sunday, April 14th at 6:30 PM at Holy Name Catholic Church, Rock Rapids. Relive Jesus’ final steps and prepare your hearts for Easter. A free-will donation will benefit Atlas of Lyon County.

Thursday, April 18 is Maundy Thursday and will we worship together and observe Holy Communion at 6:30 PM.

REGISTER FOR AN EXPERIENCE OF A LIFE TIME! Crossroads & Northwest Iowa Teens Encounter Christ (TEC) are accepting applications for the upcoming weekend at the First Reformed Church in Hull, IA. TEC is an interdenominational three day Christian retreat designed to help high schoolers learn more about their faith and their community. The next TEC is June 28-30, 2019. If you would like to learn more about TEC or register, please visit or or email The cost is $50 and includes a t-shirt & other special gifts. Scholarships are available upon request.

ATTENTION the Bible League International Spring Salad Luncheon is scheduled for Monday May 6, 2019 at 11:30 at the Alton Reformed Church at 305 8th Street, Alton, Iowa. Come and enjoy a fashion show featuring clothes form the Bible for Missions Thrift Center. John Scafe, the national director of Bibles for Missions Thrift centers will also be at the luncheon. You are asked to bring a salad for every two people to share. Drinks will be provided. Please give this prayerful consideration. The attendance has been down and it would be so GREAT to have a large group come together to support the work of Bible League International.

Transitioning and/or needing a place to belong? Contact the ATLAS office at (712) 472-9016 and request an appointment to learn more about where and how you can serve! With the ministry growth, opportunities to bless and be blessed exist everywhere: our Lost But Found Store Manager (Vicki) is seeking volunteers to work in the thrift store as well as others with a pickup and hitch to pull a 14 foot trailer to Justice For All in Rock Valley. “Let us spur one another on toward love and good deeds!” (Hebrews 10:24)

Offerings Sunday 3-31-19 Offerings to 3-31-19 Budget to 3-31-19

General Fund: $7,078.00 $77,087.47 $96,941.50

Benevolent Fund: $810.00 $43,327.66 $44,890.95

Building Fund: $5,783.25 $5,783.25 $32,250.01

Sunday School Offering: March 31, 2019

Last Year’s Attendance: 124 Last week's Attendance: 121

Last Year’s Offering: $89.26 Last week's Offering: $101.75

This Week’s Lesson: Unit 7 – April 7 – Joshua and Caleb/Rebellion of God’s People (Session 1)

Next Week’s Lesson: Unit 7 – April 14 – The Bronze Snake/The Promise of God’s Salvation




1:30 pm Council of Churches

MONDAY: Moms in Prayer – College & Careers at 6:30 am

Moms in Prayer – College & Careers at 5:00 pm

6:45 pm – 8:45 pm GriefShare in the Fellowship Hall

TUESDAY: Moms in Prayer – Traditional Group at 12:00 pm

WEDNESDAY Moms in Prayer – Traditional Group at 6:30 pm & 8:00 pm

9:30 am Joy Circle in room 345

5:45 pm Midweek Meal (Glenda H, Amy S, Jen H, & Barb D)

6:30 pm - Wednesday Night Activities

6:30 pm – JR RCYF

6:30 pm – Hand Bells

7:30 pm – Praise Team

8:00 pm – SR RCYF

THURSDAY: Grandmothers in Prayer at 12:15 pm

7 pm Peace Circle in room 345

FRIDAY: 8:00 am- Men’s Bible Study in the Conference Room



8 – 9:30 am Palm Sunday Breakfast served – All are welcome


Blog comments will be sent to the moderator

Prayers:Your prayer support is appreciated for the following individuals and their special circumstances: Stacy Dieren (recovering from colon surgery), Mary Vermeer (had surgery for a broken hip; is currently at the Rock Rapids Health Center), Pam Foster, Bob Dreke’s sister (coping with Huntington’s Disease), Caden Wright (pray for healing and for Caden to regain his strength following his hospital stay), Tanner Lincecum (pray that Tanner’s shunt will continue to be effective), Mykenah Horstman (pray for the plans to get Mykenah fitted for a brace that she can wear at night), Thomas Bouwman, Tom & Sheryl Bouwman’s son (diagnosed with paracardial effusion; has been able to return to work but has physical limitations), Greyson Austin, Marlene Mellema’s grandson/Meredith & Joe Vander Zee’s nephew (pray for continued improvement with eating and energy as well as healing of the j-pouch), Zucker Freerks, Sara & Justin Groen’s nephew (pray for Zucker to maintain good health during the spring months), Jeremy Hespen, Merlin & Jackie Groen’s nephew (recently diagnosed with non-Hodgkins lymphoma), Danny Bolerjack, Danielle Bouwman’s father (recovering from a stroke), Lena Jolee Olivier, Marilyn and Bill Mammenga’s infant granddaughter (pray for continued growth and healthy development), Tony Schoneveld, Jessica Harman’s grandfather (has stage 4 COPD), and Gayle Wagenaar, Conrad and Audrey De Noble’s brother-in-law (diagnosed with acute leukemia).

Your prayers are also requested for the following individuals who are coping with cancer: Gail Hartter (Eric Hartter’s mother), Marilyn Kuyper, (Ethanie Pulscher’s aunt), Dave Kwikkel (Arnie and Donna Kwikkel’s son), and Arlene Sterler (Robbie Korthals’ mother).

Please be in prayer for Jon & Dani Markus and their unborn baby boy as their have received tests that have caused them concern for both mother and baby. They will be seeking medical advice in Iowa City on Monday the 8th. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.

A Note of Praise! We are happy to share that Missy (Michelle) Perkins has been discharged from the Rock Rapids Health Center and has returned to her group home.

Update on Greyson Austin: Greyson was at Mayo Hospital last week due to stomach flu and dehydration. This week Wednesday he is headed back to May due to bleeding out of his stoma the last 4 days. He is feeling better; able to eat and drink, but we need to determine where the bleeding is coming from. We are asking for prayers for answers and treatable solutions. We are grateful for you as a praying church. We feel your prayers. ~ Marlene Mellema and families.

Thank You: We thank each of you, for your prayers, your caring thoughts and kind words at the time of Nelva’s passing. As a part of the family of God, each of you reflected God’s comfort, his perfect peace and his abiding love. We thank him for his promise of eternal life. ~ LaVonne & Rod Grooters

Somehow word is out that I am having surgery next month. To clarify, I will be having a procedure done on April 23 in Sioux Falls. Cancer in not involved. Thanks for any prayers for success and recovery. Pastor Dan

There will be no pulpit supply on Easter Sunday as indicated on the calendar. Pastor Dan will lead us in services.

GriefShare: Our next GriefShare session will be on Monday, April 8, 6:45-8:45 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Our topic this week will be on the question of “Why?” We will learn about sharing our feelings with God and why being honest with God is an expression of faith. We will also learn what God has to say to us about our “why” questions. Please feel free to join us!

Mark Your Calendars: The Women’s Ministry is hosting an All-Church Breakfast on Palm Sunday, April 14, 2019 from 8-9:30 am. They will be serving rolls, egg bakes, and yogurt parfaits. Please come and join us before worship for a time of fellowship and breakfast before enjoying the Easter Cantata! Everyone is welcome!

Living Stations of the Cross: People of all ages and faiths are invited to attend the Living Stations Of The Cross taking place on Sunday, April 14th at 6:30 PM at Holy Name Catholic Church, Rock Rapids. Relive Jesus’ final steps and prepare your hearts for Easter. A free-will donation will benefit Atlas of Lyon County.

Thursday, April 18 is Maundy Thursday and will we worship together and observe Holy Communion at 6:30 PM.

REGISTER FOR AN EXPERIENCE OF A LIFE TIME! Crossroads & Northwest Iowa Teens Encounter Christ (TEC) are accepting applications for the upcoming weekend at the First Reformed Church in Hull, IA. TEC is an interdenominational three day Christian retreat designed to help high schoolers learn more about their faith and their community. The next TEC is June 28-30, 2019. If you would like to learn more about TEC or register, please visit or or email The cost is $50 and includes a t-shirt & other special gifts. Scholarships are available upon request.

ATTENTION the Bible League International Spring Salad Luncheon is scheduled for Monday May 6, 2019 at 11:30 at the Alton Reformed Church at 305 8th Street, Alton, Iowa. Come and enjoy a fashion show featuring clothes form the Bible for Missions Thrift Center. John Scafe, the national director of Bibles for Missions Thrift centers will also be at the luncheon. You are asked to bring a salad for every two people to share. Drinks will be provided. Please give this prayerful consideration. The attendance has been down and it would be so GREAT to have a large group come together to support the work of Bible League International.

Transitioning and/or needing a place to belong? Contact the ATLAS office at (712) 472-9016 and request an appointment to learn more about where and how you can serve! With the ministry growth, opportunities to bless and be blessed exist everywhere: our Lost But Found Store Manager (Vicki) is seeking volunteers to work in the thrift store as well as others with a pickup and hitch to pull a 14 foot trailer to Justice For All in Rock Valley. “Let us spur one another on toward love and good deeds!” (Hebrews 10:24)

Offerings Sunday 3-31-19 Offerings to 3-31-19 Budget to 3-31-19

General Fund: $7,078.00 $77,087.47 $96,941.50

Benevolent Fund: $810.00 $43,327.66 $44,890.95

Building Fund: $5,783.25 $5,783.25 $32,250.01

Sunday School Offering: March 31, 2019

Last Year’s Attendance: 124 Last week's Attendance: 121

Last Year’s Offering: $89.26 Last week's Offering: $101.75

This Week’s Lesson: Unit 7 – April 7 – Joshua and Caleb/Rebellion of God’s People (Session 1)

Next Week’s Lesson: Unit 7 – April 14 – The Bronze Snake/The Promise of God’s Salvation




1:30 pm Council of Churches

MONDAY: Moms in Prayer – College & Careers at 6:30 am

Moms in Prayer – College & Careers at 5:00 pm

6:45 pm – 8:45 pm GriefShare in the Fellowship Hall

TUESDAY: Moms in Prayer – Traditional Group at 12:00 pm

WEDNESDAY Moms in Prayer – Traditional Group at 6:30 pm & 8:00 pm

9:30 am Joy Circle in room 345

5:45 pm Midweek Meal (Glenda H, Amy S, Jen H, & Barb D)

6:30 pm - Wednesday Night Activities

6:30 pm – JR RCYF

6:30 pm – Hand Bells

7:30 pm – Praise Team

8:00 pm – SR RCYF

THURSDAY: Grandmothers in Prayer at 12:15 pm

7 pm Peace Circle in room 345

FRIDAY: 8:00 am- Men’s Bible Study in the Conference Room



8 – 9:30 am Palm Sunday Breakfast served – All are welcome


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